张佶玮Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Associate Consultant

Attending doctor. Currently serving as a member of the Rehabilitation Branch of the Jiangsu Provincial Social Medical Association and a director of the Acupuncture and Knife Pain Rehabilitation Branch of the China Promotion Association. I have been engaged in rehabilitation work for more than ten years, specializing in the rehabilitation treatment of neurological injuries, bone and joint injuries, and pain.



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Zhang Jiwei, attending physician. Currently serving as a member of the Rehabilitation Branch of the Jiangsu Provincial Social Medical Association and a director of the Acupuncture and Knife Pain Rehabilitation Branch of the China Promotion Association. I have been engaged in rehabilitation work for more than ten years, specializing in the rehabilitation treatment of neurological injuries, bone and joint injuries, and pain.

Proficient in rehabilitation treatment for neurological injuries, bone and joint injuries, and pain.

Currently serving as a member of the Rehabilitation Branch of the Jiangsu Provincial Social Medical Association and a director of the Acupuncture and Knife Pain Rehabilitation Branch of the China Promotion Association.

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